Murals are a skillful attempt at illusion. They expand our horizons and have the ability to transport us to another time and place.
FACTS : Murals have largely been inspired by 6 main topics:
a. religion
b. the four season (spring, summer, fall & winter)
c. historical events
d. ages of man
e. politics
f. social issues
As you may know by now Murals are so much more than pretty pictures; they have a much deeper meaning. The artwork in a mural is very well thought out. It is designed to represent a specific community at a specific point in history. It is often designed to make a political and / or social statement. The details in the murals add up to a bigger message. Murals date back to the caveman era. Some eras have been particularly important in certain areas but Many murals have change over time. They may represent a specific time in history but they decay and are repainted and change a little bit
over time.
Murals are not designed by one person; they get input from a whole community. One person might head the project and one artist might even do all of the work but designing a mural usually involves
groups of people.
Its common for people to mix up Murals with Graffiti.The main difference between graffiti and murals is that people who do murals have permission from the property owner to do them.Graffiti artists almost never tag on murals. This is because the murals are part of the community and they respect that. Tagging on murals does happen of course but the social message of murals and their ties to the community tend to prevent this problem from happening constantly.
In concluion, murals are amzaing type of art that represent communities, religon and even hisory.